This year saw tens of thousands of women seek compensation for their transvaginal mesh injuries.
Scotland Health Officials Miscount Transvaginal Mesh Complications
Around the globe women are reporting serious side effects from transvaginal mesh implants.

Urinary Incontinence: A Common Problem Many Women Face
One in three premenopausal women experience urinary incontinence, according to a recent study by Turkish researchers.
Texas Judge Dismisses Vaginal Mesh Lawsuit From State Court
A Texas judge recently dismissed a transvaginal mesh case from state court, and will instead move the case to the federal level.
West Virginia Federal Judge Sets 2014 Transvaginal Mesh Trial Dates
According to a pretrial order issued on Dec. 11, a federal judge in West Virginia set the 2014 schedule for four transvaginal mesh bellwether trials.

Boston Scientific Lawsuits Progress in Federal Court
Claims pending against transvaginal mesh maker Boston Scientific Corp. in West Virginia’s Southern District federal court have been issued a new pretrial order.

Vaginal Mesh Complications Encourage Alternative POP Treatment Use
Women don’t have to suffer the complications of transvaginal mesh – they have alternative treatment options.

Pelvic Mesh Risks Revealed as Injured Women Sue Manufacturers
Surgical mesh has been in gynecological use since the 1970s. Howver, transvaginal mesh wasn’t approved by the Food and Drug …
Transvaginal Mesh Risks Outweigh the Benefits
Transvaginal mesh implants are intended to treat pelvic organ prolapse, but even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said the risks associated with the implants can outweigh its benefits.

AMS Gets FDA Approval for New Mesh Sling Device for SUI
American Medical Systems Inc., a subsidiary of Endo Health Solutions Inc., has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its RetroArc Retropubic Sling System to treat stress urinary incontinence in females.