
    Johnson and Johnson Lawsuits Stack Up for Numerous Products

    Johnson and Johnson Lawsuits

    Many drugs and medical devices cause unexpected side effects and complications, but Johnson and Johnson lawsuits are especially numerous. The pharmaceutical company faces countless accusations of illegally marketing Risperdal, transvaginal mesh devices, and talcum powder products.

    Johnson and Johnson Lawsuits: Risperdal

    One Johnson & Johnson drug taking heat at the moment is Risperdal, an antipsychotic that has caused males to grow female breasts. The drug was not approved for adolescent use by the FDA until 2006, but Johnson & Johnson sales reps pushed the drug for use in young priors prior to that—failing to tell doctors about the severity of possible side effects in the process.

    As a result, many adolescents took Risperdal for disorders ranging from autism to depression and sleep issues. Many male Risperdal patients eventually developed gynecomastia. The side effect causes abnormal breast development up to a female size DD. Gynecomastia can also cause lactation. While some gynecomastia cases are reversible without surgery, it can be mentally damaging during young men’s developmental years.

    So how does an antipsychotic cause gynecomastia? It begins with the dopamine-blocking powers of the drug and the presence of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates normal breast growth in females. In fact, the development of breasts in men taking Risperdal is very similar to that in women: A lump begins to form under the nipple, and the mass grows larger with time. And just as breast size differs from woman to woman, each man grows a different sized pair of breasts when he has gynecomastia – some so large that they cause additional health problems.

    Illegal marketing and failure to warn Risperdal claims are on the rise. Many plaintiffs claim that they shouldn’t have been prescribed Risperdal in the first place. In addition, victims say they should know about gynecomastia risks up front.

    Johnson and Johnson Lawsuits: Transvaginal Mesh

    It’s not just adolescent men who have sustained injuries from Johnson & Johnson’s products, though. Many women have made claims against the company’s transvaginal mesh products, which have caused debilitating problems like erosion through the vaginal wall, pelvic pain, device contraction and multiple removal surgeries.

    Transvaginal mesh (TVM) primarily treats incontinence and organ prolapse in women who’ve given birth. TVM holds up pelvic organs, but causes additional complications per the FDA. Mesh shrinking and erosion can cause horrible pain during intercourse and everyday movement. Worse, TVM isn’t always removable and often stays inside the body, even after several surgeries. As a result, many women cannot reverse painful TVM injuries.

    J&J faces more failure-to-warn claims about TVM and its testing procedures. The company reviewed its testing procedures at the FDA’s request in 2012. However, little device safety progress was made.

    Johnson and Johnson Lawsuits: Talcum Powder

    Last but not least is a surprising product that Johnson & Johnson has produced for decades. Talcum powder is the predominant substance found in baby powder, and it’s use has been linked to ovarian cancer.

    In fact, genital baby powder use is linked to ovarian cancer. Talc enters the vagina, traveling up the fallopian tubes to the ovaries, where it catalyzes cancerous tissue. According to a Cancer Research Prevention report, genital talcum powder use can increase a woman’s ovarian cancer risk by 20%-30%.

    While Johnson & Johnson recently faced more talcum powder lawsuits, the baby powder and ovarian cancer link isn’t new. Research dates back to 1961, when scientists found unusual amounts of talc in ovarian tumor samples. The company new about this research, and many ovarian cancer victims sued J&J as a result.

    Have Your Case Reviewed

    Needless to say, claims against Johnson & Johnson indicates a pattern of failure-to-warn practices. If you were harmed by Johnson & Johnson’s drugs or products, you may have a case. Get your free talcum powder, Risperdal or TVM claim review today and a lawyer will contact you to discuss your case.

    Lori Polemenakos is Director of Consumer Content and SEO strategist for LeadingResponse, a legal marketing company. An award-winning journalist, writer and editor based in Dallas, Texas, she's produced articles for major brands such as Match.com, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, Xfinity, Mail.com, and edited several published books. Since 2016, she's published hundreds of articles about Social Security disability, workers' compensation, veterans' benefits, personal injury, mass tort, auto accident claims, bankruptcy, employment law and other related legal issues.

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